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Pet Allergy Treatments

Pet allergies are a major concern for many and their beloved dogs and cats. While we often associate allergies with sneezing and nasal congestion, dogs and cats experience their allergies differently. In addition, if a pet has allergies that go untreated for some time either because the signs weren’t clear or because it was assumed the symptoms would resolve on their own, their condition can become more complex and hard to treat. At Fox Animal Hospital in Evanston, IL, we frequently help cats and dogs with allergies experience milder symptoms and live life more comfortably.

Call us today at 847-869-4900 to request an appointment so we can nip your cat or dog’s allergies in the bud.

Signs Your Pet May Have an Allergy

One of the most common indicators of a possible allergy in your dog or cat is itchy skin, which causes pets to scratch themselves excessively. This can lead to visual signs such as:

  • Hair loss
  • Raw, red, patches of skin
  • Dandruff
  • Skin and ear odor
  • Dry, scaly patches of skin
  • Hair missing between the toes, on the belly, and under the legs/arms

Additionally, some cats and dogs with allergies will have runny eyes and noses, and, if a food allergy is suspected, may periodically experience an upset stomach with occasional vomiting.

What Cats and Dogs Are Allergic To

Cats and dogs are usually affected by the same allergens that affect humans. These include:

  • Grass
  • Pollen
  • Mold/mold spores
  • Dust and dust mites
  • Synthetic materials
  • Cleaning solutions
  • Lawn treatments
  • Proteins in pet food such as eggs, chicken, and pork
  • Food dyes
  • Flea bites (chemicals in flea saliva can cause an allergic reaction)

How Allergies Can Cause Secondary Infections

Failing to address your pet’s scratching/licking/biting sessions can leave them vulnerable to bacterial infections. Continuous licking and scratching damage the protective skin barrier, allowing bacteria to get under the skin and even into the bloodstream. Secondary infections often make a pet’s itching worse, which in turn causes more scratching and licking, and further skin damage.

Our Cat and Dog Allergy Treatment Options

Our animal hospital offers a variety of allergy treatment/management options to address the wide variety of allergies and skin disorders affecting pets. These options include:

  • Oral anti-itch medication
  • Oral antibiotics
  • Topical medications and shampoos
  • Cytopoint, an effective injectable anti-itch medication for dogs
  • Hypoallergenic pet food and treats

Your cat or dog’s allergies can be managed and kept under control for the long term. Just give us a call today at 847-869-4900  to request an appointment!