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Additional Veterinary Services Available

In addition to our preventive, diagnostic, and surgical services, we offer a range of other veterinary services, including counseling and microchipping, to help keep your pet safe and healthy. We also offer euthanasia, and end-of-life care for when it’s time to say goodbye to your loyal companion. Please click on each service below to learn more. Call us at 847-869-4900  to book an appointment today!

Behavior Counseling for Dogs

If you’re a dog owner, one of the best ways to establish and strengthen the human-animal bond is with dog training. There are various training classes and groups available in the Evanston area, including D.O.G. (Dog Obedience Group), which holds classes in Evanston, Skokie, Morton Grove, and Chicago. D.O.G.’s classes are designed to be fun, social, and informative, so your canine friend can get started on the right paw and become a well-behaved, lovable member of your family. You can learn more about D.O.G. by calling (773) 973-2934.

Ideally, we recommend that you enroll your puppy in basic training classes at 7 weeks of age, which should be followed by adult training. However, if your dog struggles with group training, we can assess their behavior and offer referrals to a personal trainer or behavior specialist for a more in-depth evaluation.

Pet Microchipping in Evanston

Did you know that according to the AVMA, having your cat or dog microchipped can double or even triple their odds of being reunited with you, should they ever get lost? Although an ID tag is a great way to provide pet identification, microchips offer a permanent form of identification and have helped thousands of lost pets return home. Fox Animal Hospital offers HomeAgain, one of the most widely used microchip products, to increase the chances of a safe recovery for lost pets.

The cat and dog microchipping procedure is quick, safe, and easy. The microchip itself is a tiny device (about the size of a grain of rice) that is placed just under the surface of the skin, near the shoulder blades. Each microchip is encoded with the owner’s contact information, which we register into a national pet recovery database. All registered microchips can be scanned by most animal shelters, animal hospitals, and animal control offices in the country. If your pet isn’t yet microchipped, contact us today at (847) 869-4900 to set up an appointment for the procedure.

Veterinary Referrals in Evanston

Here at Fox Animal Hospital, we offer a variety of wellness services and have the expertise to perform a number of procedures. However, we often make referrals to nearby veterinary specialists for more complex cases when we feel the expertise of these professionals is needed to provide your pet with the best possible care. These specialists have undergone extensive training and accreditation in specific specialties, including:

  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • Oncology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Surgery
  • Neurology
  • Dentistry
  • Internal medicine

In-House Pharmacy and Online Store

When considering options for purchasing certain medications like heartworm and flea/tick preventatives for your pet, you have many choices, other than just from our animal hospital. Online pharmacies, mail order catalogues, and big box retailers are some of the alternatives. However, many of these sellers do not purchase the products directly from the manufacturers. This can create issues with product quality, safety, and manufacturer guarantees, which can put your pet’s health at risk.

Fox Animal Hospital maintains a full in-house and online inventory of medications and other products, and we offer the most professional, reliable, and personalized service for your pet’s needs. Our prices are competitive and often include exclusive discount offers and rebates from our manufacturers. Plus, when you purchase from our animal hospital, you’re helping us continue to offer cutting-edge service and medical technology for our patients. So whether you’re a first-time buyer or you’ve been buying from us for years, we sincerely appreciate your support.

Pets Euthanasia/ End of Life Care for Pets

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is one of the most difficult, emotional inevitabilities of being a pet owner…and sometimes determining when to put a pet down is even harder. The compassionate professionals at Fox Animal Hospital understand these circumstances and offer services that can help, including counseling, dignified and humane cat and dog euthanasia, and pet cremation options.

If your pet’s quality of life is poor, we can offer comprehensive pet pain management, which can be tailored to your pet’s specific needs to alleviate pain in the last days. However, when even pet pain management is no longer sufficient to keep your pet comfortable, we may recommend cat or dog euthanasia in Evanston to end any needless suffering. You may choose to be with your companion during the procedure or say goodbye before it begins. If you prefer, we can refer you to home euthanasia veterinarians who specialize in providing this service in your home.

Pet cremation services are performed by a trusted licensed professional company with dignity and respect for you and your pet. Having experienced end-of-life decisions with our pets, we know how difficult a time this can be, so please give us a call at (847) 869-4900, and let us know how we can help.