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Pet Wellness Exams

Most dogs and cats are considered “adults” between 9 and 24 months of age, depending on their size and breed. Although the needs of an adult pet aren’t as demanding as those of a puppy/kitten or senior pet, they should still be met in the form of a comprehensive physical exam. The team at Fox Animal Hospital believes that maintaining your pet’s wellness should be a part of every life stage, which is why we recommend a pet wellness care exam at least once a year.

Schedule your pet’s exam with our team by giving us a call at 847-869 4900

What is a Pet Wellness Exam?

The comprehensive pet wellness exam consists of a nose-to-tail evaluation, which allows us to ensure your pet is healthy and detect any signs of illness. The sooner we find a problem, the sooner we can treat it. Just as with puppies and kittens, we customize a wellness profile, with consideration to the physical exam findings, your pet’s age, and any changes you’ve noticed. This includes decreased energy, changes in appetite, drinking or urinating more, exercise tolerance, etc.

In addition to the standard pet wellness exam, we may recommend a blood test, urinalysis, blood pressure screening, dental cleaning, or X-rays, depending on your pet’s age and the exam results. We also update any necessary vaccinations that we have specifically determined to be appropriate for your pet, based on lifestyle. With consideration to the ongoing need for parasite protection, we also make recommendations for heartworm, flea, and tick prevention.

If your pet is due for his/her annual wellness exam, call Fox Animal Hospital in Evanston today at 847-869-4900